TopicsAnger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Depression, Emotional Problems, Parent Training, Relationships, Self-Control, Social Skills, Stress
- Objective
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesAdult
- ASCA StandardsC:A1 Develop Career Awareness, C:A2 Develop Employment Readiness, C:B1 Acquire Career Information, C:B2 Identify Career Goals
- Number of pages2
TopicsADD/ADHD, Adoption, Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Autism Spectrum, Behavior Management, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Conflict Resolution, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Goals, Self-Control, Self-Injury, Stress, Study Skills, Time Management
- Objective
To use a systematic tool for recording and assessing antecedents leading up to problem behavior, the problem behavior, and then the consequences. To analyze upward and downward patterns of problem behavior. To use assessment tool as a jumping off point for discussions with client.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesAdult, Early Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application
- Number of pages2
TopicsGoals, Motivation, Parent Training
- Objective
To provide accountability to parents regarding therapy attendance using a contract.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesAdult
- ASCA StandardsA:A3 Achieve School Success, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Stress
- Objective
To identify OCD triggers. To offer therapists an exposure exercise in treating childhood OCD.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application
- Number of pages2
TopicsPhysical Health, Self-Injury, Time Management
- Objective
To graphically represent how a child spends a 24-hour day by completing a Balance Graph. To assess amount of time spent in leisure, individual care, free/unscheduled time, and efforts in school/work activities.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesHigh School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsA:C1 Relate School to Life Experiences, PS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge
- Number of pages3
TopicsADD/ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Autism Spectrum, Behavior Management, Self-Control
- Objective
To monitor and chart student behavior and resulting outcomes.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesEarly Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsA:A1 Improve Academic Self-Concept, A:A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Learning, A:A3 Achieve School Success
- Number of pages2
TopicsADD/ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Autism Spectrum, Behavior Management, Self-Control
- Objective
To monitor and chart student behavior and resulting outcomes.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesEarly Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsA:A1 Improve Academic Self-Concept, A:A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Learning, A:A3 Achieve School Success
- Number of pages2
TopicsADD/ADHD, Parent Training, Self-Esteem, Social Skills, Stress, Study Skills
- Objective
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesUpper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge
- Number of pages2
TopicsADD/ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Spectrum, Behavior Management, Goals, Motivation, Parent Training
- Objective
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsA:A1 Improve Academic Self-Concept, A:A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Learning, A:A3 Achieve School Success
- Number of pages2
TopicsADD/ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Spectrum, Behavior Management, Goals, Motivation, Parent Training
- Objective
To assess student goals using a contract format signed by student and parent with documented rewards to be earned upon successful completion of goal.
- Types of ToolsAssessment
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsA:A1 Improve Academic Self-Concept, A:A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Learning, A:A3 Achieve School Success, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application
- Number of pages2