TopicsPhysical Health, Positive Thinking, Self-Esteem, Spirituality
- Objective
- Types of ToolsActivity, Discussion, Worksheet
- GradesAdult
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages3
TopicsADD/ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Assertiveness, Behavior Management, Conflict Resolution, Relationships, Self-Control, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about the value of a sincere apology and understand how it can benefit a relationship.
- Types of ToolsActivity, Technique
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Feelings, Positive Thinking, Self-Control, Spirituality, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about strategies to use to calm yourself when angry.
- Types of ToolsActivity
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
- Objective
To increase knowledge about coping with different rules in different homes when parents have divorced or separated.
- Types of ToolsActivity
- GradesEarly Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnxiety Disorders, Depression, Emotional Problems, Feelings, Goals, Positive Thinking, Stress
- Objective
- Types of ToolsActivity, Assessment, Worksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAssertiveness, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Communication, Relationships
- Objective
To help children understand how to get help and support from their personal support system if threatened with physical aggression.
- Types of ToolsActivity, Worksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Spectrum, Behavior Management, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Communication, Parent Training, Relationships, Self-Control, Social Skills
- Objective
To practice ignoring as a way to cope with teasing.
- Types of ToolsActivity, Worksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsBehavior Management, Body Image, Goals, Parent Training, Physical Health, Time Management
- Objective
A daily chart to schedule events of the day as a way to ensure a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
- Types of ToolsActivity, Assessment, Technique
- GradesHigh School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsA:A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Learning, PS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge
- Number of pages2
TopicsADD/ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Emotional Problems, Feelings, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about relaxation techniques.
- Types of ToolsActivity, Technique
- GradesEarly Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAlcohol and Drug Prevention, Assertiveness, Physical Health, Self-Control, Social Skills
- Objective
To make a poster showing ways to say no to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
- Types of ToolsActivity, Technique, Worksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2